Hi Guys! I think now that I have started really reflecting on my entire handbag collection I was able to pinpoint some categories that I felt were missing from the bags I had. With my newest purchase of the Prada Re-edition I really feel I have now closed these gaps. Let me know down below which handbags you would choose for each of the categories I mentioned today. I am also very curious to know whether or not you relate to my love for luxury and designer handbags though I live a very casual lifestyle. Maybe I need to give myself more places to wear my fancy handbags 😂
Handbags Mentioned:
- Prada Re-edition 2005
- Large Marc Jacobs The Tote Bag
- Uniqlo Round Mini Shoulder Bag
-Louis Vuitton Easy Pouch
- YSL Sunset Bag
Creators Mentioned ❤️
@glamluxbykeyla [ Ссылка ]
@TianaPeri [ Ссылка ]
0:00 Intro
1:51 The Everyday Handbag
4:53 The Fits Everything Bag
7:18 The Carefree Bag
10:14 The Day To Night Handbag
12:53 The WOW Handbag
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