"Daan" is a heartfelt documentary film by Mindoro Travel Guide that follows the journey of students as they navigate the challenging and mountainous paths to get to school. Witness their determination and hope as they cross rugged terrain and rocky rivers, showcasing their resilience and the power of education. 🎥✨
✨ Determined students crossing mountainous paths
✨ The power of hope and education
✨ Inspiring and heartfelt stories
Produced by:
🎥 Mindoro Travel Guide
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Daan | A Documentary Film by Mindoro Travel Guide
DaanMindoro Travel Guidedocumentary filmOriental MindoroOccidental MindoroBongabongMindoro travelmountain adventurehiking adventurestravel vlogMindoro provinceFilipino travelPhilippines tourismtravel PhilippinesMindoro adventuresLove The Philippinesscenic landscapescultural experiencesnature loversadventure seekerstravel guidemindorotravelguidetravelorientalmindorooccidentalmindorobongabongorientalmindoromountainadventuremtg