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Clip 6 of the Srebrenica Debate held in Amsterdam to commemorate the Bosnian war and the Srebrenica genocide. Portrait of Dutchbat commander Karremans
Here, a clip of KRO Profiel by Bart Nijpels is shown about Dutchbat commander Karremans. The main question is: What did commander Karremans and the Dutchbat troops know about the potential of a massacre in Srebrenica beforehand?
The chairman is journalist Ad van Liempt. Other guests are Carolien Brugsma, editor and Srebrenica specialist, documentary filmmaker Jos de Putter and military historian Christ Klep. The Srebrenica Debate was convened by Docs4thought and Cineblend.
6. Filmic portrait of Dutchbat commander Karremans
SrebrenicaBosniaSerbiacivil wargenocidemass murderwar crimesethnic cleansingDocumentarysrebrenica massacrewar crimebosnian wargenocide documentarydocumentary about srebrenicasrebrenica debatedebatesrebrenica documentarybosnia and herzegovinasrebrenica survivorswhat is genocideEuropean Genocidesrebrenica genocidedutchbatKarremanskarremans mladic srebrenicacommander karremansdutchbat commander karremansethnicity