Geetham 1
Ragam : Malahari
Thala : Rupakam
Avarohana – s r m p d S Avarohana – S d p m g r s
O leader of the pramada ganas, (“sri gana natha”), you are the clor of vermillion (“sindhura varna”),
M P | D S S R || R S | D P M P || Sree - | Ga na na tha || sin dhu | - ra var na ||
... and the ocean of compassion (“karuna sagara”). You have the visage (“vadana”) of the mighty elephant (“kari”) ...
R M | P D M P || D P | M G R S || Ka ru | na Sa ga ra || ka ri | va dha - na ||
... and a protruding belly (“lambodara”). You hold goddess lakshmi (“lakumi”) in your hand (“kara”).
S - | R M G R || S R | G R S , || Lam - | bo - dha ra || la ku | mi ka ra - ||
O son of Parvathi (“amba sutha”) you are worshipped by (“vinutha”) the gods (“amara”).
R M | Am-|
S - | Lam-|
Charanam 1:
P D M P || D ba-sutha||a
R M G R || S bo - dha ra||la
P | ma|
R | ku|
M G R S || ra vi nu tha ||
G R S , || mikara-||
Siddha Chaarana Gana Sevitha Siddhi Vinayaka The Namo Namo
You have all the holy men at your feet (“siddha charana”) and you are worshipped by the pramadha ganas who are the followers of lord Siva (“gana sevitha”).
M P | D S S R || R S | D P M P || Sid dha | cha - ra na || ga na | se - vi tha ||
You grant your devotees all their wishes (“siddhi vinayaka”) and I bow to you (“the namo ”).
R M | P D M P || D P | M G R S || Sid dhi | vi na ya ka || the - | na mo na mo ||
Charanam 2:
Sakala Vidyaadi Poojitha Sarvothama The Namo Namo
You are the first (“aadi”) one to receive obeisance (“poojitha”) when setting upon acquiring any kind of knowledge (“sakala vidhya”).
M P | D S S R || R S | D P M P || Sa ka | la vi dya - || - dhi | pu - ji tha ||
You are the greatest one of all (“sarvothama”) and I pray to you.
R M | P D M P || D P | M G R S || Sa-|rvo-thama||the-| namonamo||
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