Made a tiny tesla coil transmitter for testing energy, audio file transmissions and frequencies.
Also had a joule thief running, but when i removed the battery from the joule thief, the feedback coils started to receive some energy from the spark gap and lighted up the leds, Distance was about 80cm.
More testing needs to be done.
I dont have a circuit drawing yet, as i keep on changing the circuits for improvements.
The joule thief runs a 220v 2 watt led bulb, and 2 other leds from feedback of the joule thief coil, the milli amps is between 20 and 44mA, on a 1.2v rechargeable battery. the lower the amps the higher the frequency. The spark gap can give awake up shock/ sensation, but the mini tesla coil doesnt shock at all.
The spark gap transmitts between 3 and 35khz, and runs on a 1.2v rechargeable battery, make sure the spark gab is as small as posible for stroner and stable energy transmission
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