Objective of this chanal promoting events which are not addressed to the entire world from Gamo Zone, Ethiopia.,ሰብስክራይብ ያድርጉ [ Ссылка ]
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#Ethiopianews #Ethiopia
Ethiopia news / Eritrea news / Sudan news / Debretsion Gebremichael / Amhara Regional state / Tplf / Sudan Army / Jawar Mohammed | Eritrea news | Abey Ahmed | Abadulla gemeda / Semehal Meles / Mekelle / Samora Yenus / Meles Zenawi / Azeb Mesfin / Taye Dendea / NAMA / Tigray news / Metekel / Sebehat Nega / Tigrai news | Getachew Reda
#Jeli Gamo / New Song / Hanne Hanaassa/ Ethiopia
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