Arteriovenous fistulas or arteriovenous malformations are most of the time congenital or it can be traumatic as well. Most of the arteriovenous malformations can be managed with a wearing of stockings which gives a relief and later a small subset can be treated surgically. There are few options available like sclerotherapy or anti angiogenic therapy which your doctor will be able to help you out.
How to manage Arteriovenous Fistula? - Dr. Sharat Honnatti
Blood DisordersArteriovenous FistulasArteriovenous MalformationsSclerotherapyAnti Angiogenic Therapyarteriovenous fistuladural arteriovenous fistulabrain arteriovenous fistulahow to pronounce wordswhat is arteriovenous fistulaarteriovenous fistulaswhat is the meaning of arteriovenous fistulawhat does arteriovenous fistula meanarteriovenous fistula meaningarteriovenous fistula definitionarteriovenous fistula explanationfistula