Sensitive people will feel the power of electromagnetic energy, for good and for bad. Electromagnetic energy is all around us in radio waves, infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma rays and all these waves form part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Some people want things faster, higher and stronger and it seems the whole world is in a rush for everything forgetting about what is best for Mother Nature as well as themselves. Can we find a solution that works for everyone? Can we co-operate?
Suggested music listening.
Missing You – John Waite
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On the Radio – Donna Summer
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Electromagnetic Energy
electromagnetic energyradio wavesmental healthnatural wavesmicrowavesinfraredultravioletcell phonesmobile phonesx-raysgamma rayselectromagnetic waveselectromagnetic spectrumcavesancient civilisationscommunication signalsphone signaladdictionwildlifeMother Naturewind turbinescome togetheranswerssolutionco-operateEssential Natural Remediesessentialnaturalremedieslovelighthealingnot the end of the worldthe beginning