The case involves a dispute over whether a pilot was an employee or independent contractor of Keystone Aerial Surveys. The pilot died in a plane crash, and his family sued Keystone for negligence. The district court allowed testimony from Keystone's expert witness, who was designated after the scheduling order deadline. The court also prevented the introduction of evidence by the appellants' expert witness on liability regarding the pilot's violation of specific Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) and denied the appellants' request to include the FARs in the jury instructions. The court found the Campbells' counsel guilty of criminal contempt for violating a pretrial order. The case went to a jury trial, and the jury found the pilot to be an independent contractor. Keystone appealed the decision.
Campbell v. Keystone Aerial Surveys, Inc. (1998)
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
138 F.3d 996
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