"CID Adhikari" is a Tamil action drama movie released in 1991, directed by P. Vasu and starring Vijayakanth as CID Adhikari, an honest and fearless police officer. The film follows Adhikari's relentless efforts to combat crime and bring criminals to justice, even amidst personal challenges. The movie's engaging storyline, powerful performances by Vijayakanth, Gouthami, and Baby Shamili, and memorable music by Ilaiyaraaja were well-received by the audience. Vijayakanth's portrayal of the dedicated cop further solidified his position as an action hero in Tamil cinema. "CID Adhikari" enjoyed commercial success and remains a significant work in Vijayakanth's filmography, earning appreciation for its action sequences, emotional depth, and impactful dialogues. The film's enduring popularity continues to make it a memorable part of Tamil cinema history.
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