In November 2021, Marvel is set to release Eternals, which is centered on a group of ancient aliens who’ve been living on Earth in secret for thousands of years. When Kumail Nanjiani — who was mostly known for his comedic work — was cast as the samurai Kingo Sunen, the actor knew he had his work cut out for him to get in superhero shape.
At the end of 2019, Nanjiani shared a photo of his new physique to Instagram, and the internet lost its collective mind. So how exactly did he get into such incredible shape? This is how Kumail Nanjiani got ripped for Eternals.
#Eternals #Marvel #KumailNanjiani
Working with the pros | 0:00
3D body scanning | 0:56
Strict workout schedule | 1:57
Low-carb diet | 2:39
No cheat days | 3:28
"No weak spots" | 4:18
Electric stimulation | 5:02
Emphasis on intensity | 5:43
Getting too muscular | 6:19
Single-minded focus | 7:06
Saying goodbye to sugar | 7:56
Sustainable changes | 8:46
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