Vaikom Vijayalakshmi stunned the crowd by her beautiful emotional live performance of Manniley Eeramundu from Jai Bhim! Her performance brought everyone to tears and especially Kala Master who couldn't hold back her tears on stage! #vaikom talks about her love for music, her family and more in this latest segment of JFW Achievers Awards 2023!
Title Sponsor - Vummidi Bangaru Jewellers
Powered by - Prithvi Innerwear, GT Holidays
Co Presented - Lia Agarpathigal
Associate Sponsor - Spinz BB Pro Face Cream, Udhayam TMT Bar
Watch #vaikomvijayalakshmi performance and let us know your thoughts!
#jfw #jfwbinge #vaikom #vaikomvijayalakshmi #vaikomsinging #vaikomlive #jfwawards #jfw2023
#mannileyeeramundu #jaibhim #jaibhimsongs #jaibhimsong
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