In Thor (2020), The Devourer King arc by Donny Cates, Thor, the King of Asgard, is confronted by a weakened Galactus, who warns of an apocalyptic cosmic force known as the Black Winter. Galactus reveals that this entity causes each being to witness their own death. Reluctantly, Thor agrees to help, becoming Galactus' new Herald of Thunder. Together, they face the Black Winter, but Thor ultimately betrays Galactus, using his immense power to turn him into a bomb, destroying both the cosmic threat and Galactus himself. This story explores Thor’s newfound cosmic responsibilities and his struggle with godhood.
#Thor #Galactus #Marvel #BlackWinter #HeraldOfThunder #Asgard #Mjolnir #Thor2020 #DonnyCates #MarvelComics #CosmicBattle #Avengers #GodOfThunder #GalactusVsThor #ComicBooks #Superhero #MarvelUniverse #EpicBattle #ThorVsGalactus #GalactusHerald #ThorComics #MarvelLegends #CosmicThreat #ThorFans #GalactusReturn #ComicStoryline #MarvelEvents #ThorLore #BlackWinterSaga #ComicArt #MarvelShorts
Thor, Galactus, Marvel, Black Winter, Herald of Thunder, Asgard, Mjolnir, Thor 2020, Donny Cates, Marvel Comics, Cosmic Battle, Avengers, God of Thunder, Galactus vs Thor, Superhero, Marvel Universe, Epic Battle, Thor vs Galactus, Galactus Herald, Thor Comics, Marvel Legends, Cosmic Threat, Thor Fans, Galactus Return, Comic Storyline, Marvel Events, Thor Lore, Black Winter Saga, Comic Art, Marvel Shorts, Marvel Heroes
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