A Time of Grace "Be not afraid" (Rev 2:12)
恩寵時刻「不要害怕」— 默2:10
Date: Saturday, October 28, 2023
地址 : 2130 Rodick Road, Markham, ON, L6C 1S7
Language: English/Cantonese/Croatian
Fr. Petar Ljubičić was born in Croatia in 1946 and ordained a priest in the Franciscan Order - Herzegovina Province in 1972.
He was a priest in Medjugorje from 1984 to 1995, gaining valuable experience through ministering to pilgrims from various countries around the world.
He has authored several books on spiritual topics including the Rosary and Holy Mass, and endeavours to help people incorporate Our Lady’s call to conversion in their daily lives.
He is stationed in Humac, Bosnia-Herzegovina and travels extensively throughout Europe, speaking at prayer and religious gatherings organized by pilgrims from Medjugorje.
Father confirms he was chosen by Mirjana Soldo to announce each secret to the world three days before they occur. Now he is coming to speak in Canada!
Petar Ljubičić 神父1946年出生於克羅地亞,並於1972年在黑塞哥維那省方濟會晉升為神父。
他現駐守於波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那的胡馬克 (Humac),並在整個歐洲廣泛旅行,在默主哥耶朝聖組織的祈禱和宗教集會上發表演講。
神父確認他被蜜欣娜•積偉(Mirjana Soldo) 揀選,在每個秘密發生前三天向世界公佈。現在他要前來加拿大演講了!
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