"The Seven Hour War for Earth's sovereignty has begun. The Combine is rapidly deploying troops and armour to various regions around the world. On the coastline of a battered metropolis, disorganised United States Armed Forces units are attempting to hold the city for as long as they can."
Welcome to a another feature of the channel's Garry's Mod NPC Wars series. Enjoy!
Addons Used:
Cinematic Camera - [ Ссылка ]
Gredwitch's Base - [ Ссылка ]
[LFS] - Planes - [ Ссылка ]
Rp_coastdawn - [ Ссылка ]
[VJ] Combine-Juggernaut-SNPC -[ Ссылка ]
[VJ] Overwatch Combine Special Forces SNPCs + Extras - [ Ссылка ]
[VJ] Random's American Forces SNPCs - [ Ссылка ]
VJ Base - [ Ссылка ]
[WAC] Better Bell AH-64D Apache Longbow - [ Ссылка ]
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