Well that escalated quickly! For the foreseeable future this channel will be moving away from fresh ready meals, mainly because they are difficult to get hold of right now and also I don't want to leave the house. With that in mind you'll be seeing more cupboard based ready meals going forward, though, to be fair, the speed at which I can edit and upload means I'll probably only get another couple of videos done before things are back to normal.
Anyway, for more Pot Noodle goodness, go here: [ Ссылка ]
Bombay Bad Boy Pot Noodle - Ready Meal Reviews
readymealreviewsready mealready mealsmealsreviewready meal reviewspot noodlepotnoodlebombaybadboybombay bad boymumbaicurryspicyspicevindalooblow your face offkettlepastadrieddehydratedwaterfoodcookinglockdownmretescomorrisonssainsbury'swaitroseocadoaldilidlboothsasdasupermarketcook lessdo morecook less do moreunileverboiling waterboilednoodlespeassweetcornhot saucehot and spicy