⭐️ Gen XII is the WINNER of the Halo Mega Fan Vote ROUND 2 (Mongoose)!
⭐️ Neon Superfly is the WINNER of the Halo Mega Fan Vote ROUND 1 (Warthog)!
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The Domain is back with another Halo Infinite Mega Construx video!
Halo has partnered with Mattel to produce Mega Bloks / Mega Construx toys for over 12 years. This has spanned the release of Halo Wars, Halo Reach and Halo 4-Infinite. With this they have produced hundreds of toys and thousands of pieces.
Halo Infinite was delayed from 2020 to 2021. In that time and after it has seen a multitude of issues and delays, but at the heart of this lies a true return to form and a gorgeous campaign. Halo Infinite Season 1 and 2 had a long extended life but Season 3 promised to return to the original aim of 3 month long seasons. With the return of Forge, Halo Infinite now seems to be in a largely completed form. Can the community come together and embrace the game franchise once again?
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