Seth MacFarlane directs, produces, co-writes and plays the role of the cowardly
sheep farmer Albert in A Million Ways to Die in the West. After Albert backs out
of a gunfight, his fickle girlfriend leaves him for another man. When a mysterious
and beautiful woman rides into town, she helps him find his courage and they begin
to fall in love. But when her husband, a notorious outlaw, arrives seeking revenge,
the farmer must put his newfound courage to the test.
Starring alongside MacFarlane are Oscar® winner Charlize Theron, Liam Neeson,
Amanda Seyfried, Giovanni Ribisi, Sarah Silverman and Neil Patrick Harris.
MacFarlane reunites many of the filmmakers behind Universal and
MRC's hit film Ted including Scott Stuber (Bluegrass Films) and Jason Clark who
produce, and Wellesley Wild and Alec Sulkin who co-wrote the script.
A Million Ways To Die In The West - This Summer
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#SethMacFarlane #AMillionWays #CharlizeTheron
A Million Ways To Die In The West - Trailer
A Million WaysA Million Ways To Die In The WestDie In The WestWellesley WildAlec SulkinTedTed 2TrailerOfficial TrailerA Million Ways - TrailerA Million Ways To Die In The West TrailerComedyOld WestRestrictedOfficialseth macfarlanecharlize theronliam neesonamanda seyfriedgiovanni ribisisarah silvermanneil patrick harrismillion ways to die in the westmillion ways to die in the west trailermillion ways to die in the wild west