An employment contract is a legally binding agreement that sets out the terms of employment between the employer and the employee. However, what happens when the employer wants to change one or more of those employment terms? Maybe they are seeking to harmonise terms for their employees or perhaps they have some new or emerging business need that require a change of terms for one or more employees. Whatever the drivers for change, changing terms of employment can be fraught with risk….especially if the employee does not agree or consent to those changes!
What does that mean for employers? Are they bound to NEVER change terms if the employee doesn’t agree? In short, terms can be changed and though ideally that is with the consent of the employee, it is important to know what to do to when consent cannot be reached. In both situations, the means to achieve a change if terms must be carefully and thoughtfully managed to minimise the risk as far as is possible.
In this Employment Law webinar, “To change or not to change? That is the question”’, we explore how changes to employment terms can be effectively managed and how the proposed new Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Code of Practice for managing ‘dismissal and re-engagement’ when changing terms is going to impact employers.
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