A hair-raising 6 part adventure series set in the alpine resort of Chamonix, located at the heart of the French Alps. Following the Mountain Rescue Team (PGHM) as they rescue climbers and skiers from the Mount Blanc Region above the town.
The area is the climbing mecca of the world and its rescue team the busiest and the most respected. The terrain is extreme and virtually every rescue involves helicopter winching, often from sheer cliffs and ice faces.
Filmed during the peak climbing season in summer, the team risk their lives to save others in this beautiful but dangerous environment. A must watch for anyone interested in the tallest mountains in Europe or understanding the work performed by the world's premier mountain rescue service.
This 2001 documentary was produced by Pioneer Productions for Channel 5.
Pioneer Productions has strong links with the rescue team and is experienced at filming under extreme conditions. The specialist trauma unit at the Chamonix hospital, which is constantly under threat of closure, deals with anything from broken necks and backs to hypothermia and frostbite.
Alpine Rescue - Episode 4 - Angels of Mont Blanc