In sanskrit the 5 elements are known as the pancha bhutas. Everything in nature is made up of various combinations of the pancha bhutas, be it animate or inanimate.
Each element has its own characteristics and properties:
• Earth — represents solidity, stability and grounding.
• Water — represents fluidity, adaptability and change.
• Fire — represents energy, passion and transformation.
• Air — represents movement, expansion and communication.
• Space or Ether — represents emptiness, consciousness, and intuition.
Ayurveda talks of the three doshas, which are the root cause of all disease. All three are a combination of two basic elements.
• Vata dosha is formed from Air and Ether
• Pitta dosha is made from Fire and Water
• Kapha dosha is a mix of Earth and Water
Fire Element
The Fire element is associated with the Solar Plexus or the third chakra located two inches below the naval, and it is represented by an upward pointing red triangle. The Fire element is hot, bright, active, dynamic, strengthening, and stimulating. This element controls passion, anger, ambition, desire, willpower, courage, confidence, self-expression, creative thinking, and leadership. It regulates our metabolism, energy, and body temperature.
When the Fire element is out of balance, we may experience problems with motivation, concentration, decision making, discipline, and impulse control. Inflammation, fever and Issues related to digestion or elimination are all signs that the Fire element is out of balance.
Balance the Fire ELement
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