Hey parents, caregivers, and teachers! Let’s teach our toddlers how not to hit.
Just a heads up, it’s expected for babies and toddlers to hit. It is developmentally appropriate. Toddlers are not born with the ability to understand that hitting hurts another person. Through this experience we shape the foundation for building empathy. By singing “gentle hands” this gives toddlers a chance to have a replacement behavior. Immediately when a child hits me, I show them what they are suppose to do, which is to have gentle hands. I take their little hand and rub it gently where they hit. Staying calm and cool will show your toddler to learn to control hitting and start to understand that hitting hurts another person.
This video also shows different emotions and what/how that looks. Engage in singing and show your child the beginning emotions. This helps build the language behind what a child is experiencing so they will begin to understand and learn what to do next. Sing along with me!!!
Macy is a pediatric speech language pathologist who loves to model singing and playing for your child! Watch her and learn strategies to sing and play to encourage speech language development using evidence-based practice. Watch your baby, toddler, and preschooler improve their cognition and expand their play skills. As a speech therapist, these techniques she uses are research proven methods for how to teach your child to play and talk. Watch Macy and follow these methods through singing, nursery rhymes, modeling, motherese/ parentese, choices, self-talk, utterance expansion, opportunities, verbal routines, expectant waiting, sign language, and being fun and silly- all strategies to help your child learn to talk and play. Macy loves to sing and play and wants to share that with your little baby!
Follow along to learn milestones and strategies to support your child during this time. Be sure to share any concerns you may have about your baby's development with your pediatrician and get information about your state's early invention program. Your child may qualify for speech therapy, occupational therapy, or physical therapy.
This video is not intended to replace speech-language therapy.