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Seven #closeencounters with #fairies courtesy of your #ScaryFairyGodmother. Bippity Boppity BOO! #fairyencounters #scarystories. Close encounters of the fairy kind.
00:00 - Intro
00:27 - Whirlwind
06:58 - Full Moon Ritual
09:32 - House Gnome
12:36 - Shimmer
16:49 - Fireweed
18:14 - Garden Fae
21:01 - Chime
23:18 - Outro
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
[ Ссылка ]...
Emily A. Sprague (Youtube License)
Patrick Patrikios (Youtube License)
The close encounters in this video came courtesy of subscribers and the fairy census from the Fairy Investigation Society. To submit your story, visit [ Ссылка ] Visit the Fairy Investigation Society here: [ Ссылка ]
Stories used:
1. Fairy Census - 518
2. Fairy Census - 395
3. Subscriber Submitted
4. Fairy Census - 962
5. Fairy Census - 600
6. Fairy Census - 625
7. Fairy Census - 279
Full photo credits for this video can be found here: [ Ссылка ]
Photo credits ( video intro): [ Ссылка ]
*Please Note -- The stories on this channel are a combination of true encounter stories (submitted to me by subscribers or submitted to the Fairy Investigation Society and read with permission), creative non-fiction, and fiction. I try to indicate which is which in each video's description. If you have an inquiry about a specific story, you can write me at scaryfairygodmother@gmail.com. To submit your own story, whether it's true or fiction, please visit my website at scaryfairygodmother.com
Real Fairy Encounters: Stories from Pagans and Witches
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