Transit agencies with ADA complementary paratransit obligations have a choice of the type of service model design they implement. Historically, ADA paratransit service model designs have evolved organically, with small changes implemented to address specific needs. However, as ADA paratransit demand continues to grow, there has been increasing pressure on transit agencies to be as cost efficient as possible while maintaining service quality standards. As a result, some transit agencies are questioning whether or not their current service model reflects the optimal platform to achieve their desired balance between service quality and cost efficiency, and accordingly are reviewing alternative ways to restructure their service design model.
This presentation covered the result of TCRP Synthesis 135: ADA Paratansit Service Modules, a synthesis on ADA paratransit service models and focused on:
-What defines a service model
-What types of service models – there were 25! -- are represented among 29 of the largest and complex ADA paratransit systems who participated in the synthesis
-The benefits and shortcomings of each type and in some cases, the underlying reasons why service model changes were implemented, and
-The themes illuminated by service and cost performance results which can be traced to the service models.
This webinar was presented by Will Rodman, Vice President of Business Development, TSS Paratransit.
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