Bill Skarsgård is a Swedish actor who portrayed the character Pennywise in the 2017 horror film "It" and its 2019 sequel "It Chapter Two," both of which are based on the Stephen King novel of the same name. Skarsgård's portrayal of Pennywise, a demonic clown who terrorizes a group of children in the fictional town of Derry, Maine, has been widely praised for its frightening and unsettling nature.
Skarsgård's performance as Pennywise involves a combination of physicality, vocalization, and makeup effects. He worked closely with director Andy Muschietti and makeup designer Amalgamated Dynamics to create the character's distinctive appearance, which includes a bulbous forehead, oversized teeth, and a menacing grin. Skarsgård also experimented with different voices and mannerisms to bring the character to life, using his background in physical theater and clowning to inform his performance.
Overall, Skarsgård's portrayal of Pennywise has been a critical and commercial success, with many viewers praising his ability to make the character both terrifying and captivating.
It was written by author Stephen King and has been a horror genre classic ever since.
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