Part five in this short series of Medieval Pipe Organs in Western Europe, predominantly focusing on it use within Christianity. This video concerns itself with how the organ was a functioning aspect of the liturgy and the types of organs used within the church. It discusses the materials, craftsmanship and advice given during the Late Medieval period and how the instrument came under threat during Henry VIII's Reformation and the rise of the Church of England. This video explains the importance of the organ as part of monastic and secular culture and the oldest surviving examples within the archaeological record.
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Part 5: 15th & 16th Century Organs
archaeologyhistoryorgan historychurch historywater organpipe organmonasticmonastic cultureliturgyorgan musicchurch musicst andreasst fagansnotre dame de valereostonnencarisbrooke castlearnolt schlicksultan of levantelizabth ihenry viiichapelsgodinstrumentgods instrumentbellowsranksludlow parish churchorgan constructionGerman organistalleluiagospelmassmonkspriestspositive organchancellaitydurham cathedralpulpit