This is an easy to follow walkthrough for the setup and use of the Half-Blind template for the Porter Cable 4216 Dovetail Jig. I create half-blind dovetails for a storage toolbox for my new jig kit. I hope you find this video informative and entertaining. Thank you very much for watching and If you feel I’ve earned it, I’d really appreciate if you would please either Subscribe, Like, Favorite, Comment, or Share. It will help my small channel tremendously. You know how YouTube works. Thank you so much for your support. -Scott
Seriously, in truth my videos reveal “how-I-do” things, right or wrong. So if you try to do it the way I do it, please play at your own risk. Thanks again. -Scott.
The Scotty Do List is not sponsored by, or affiliated with, any of the brand names, companies, or retail outlets or vendors, mentioned, or visible, in this video.
How To Set Up and Use The Porter Cable Dovetail Jig
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