This series of YouTube videos for FileMaker developers shows off our favorite tips and tricks within FileMaker. Learn from our developers in this mini-series as we point out our favorite little features, shortcuts, and super cool tricks to streamline development.
This week's cool trick shows how to export records using CSV to global field, using the Export Field Contents command. Tune in for next week's video, and let us know your favorite cool tips and tricks in the comments. For questions about this week's cool tip, email
FileMaker Cool Trick #22: Export Field Contents
iMovieFileMaker 17FileMaker 18FileMaker GoFileMaker ProportallayoutdevdevelopersoftwaredatabaseClarisClaris Connectdatadata APIApplemenulistpop upfilterexactsensitiverelationship1:1related recordbuttonbutton barsbutton bartabtabsscriptingscriptscript triggertrigger scriptenter find modefind modego to layoutperform findselect fieldfieldsperform searchslow findFileMaker ExportSummaryCSVdelimitercustom