After many years of use, a few days ago I decided to buy a new drill press / bench drill. It will not be a Bosch PBD 40 once again, and in this short video I will explain why not. Anyway, I was happy with this machine, it served me well during all the years, but now it is time for an upgrade through changing the machine itself.
The main reason for letting this machine go is the drill head wobble. After all the years this machine was on the market, I had mine for about 10 years, this simple issue is still not fixed. Every one I checked in every store in several countries has the same issue. It could be easily fixed if Bosch would change the rack to a bit wider one or at least would add some set screws to tighten and adjust the wobble. It's a shame because I really like this machine.
Bosch PBD 40 bench drill problems
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