Rruga Gostime-Gjyrale-Belsh është segmenti i ri, ne te cilin do te fillojnë punimet, vetëm 11 dite para zgjedhjeve te 23 qershorit. Vlera e këtij segmenti prej 16 kilometër shkon ne rreth 430 milion leke. Ne inaugurimin e nisjes se punimeve ka qene sot dhe kryeministri Berisha, i cili ka zgjedhur qarkun e Elbasanit, per te zhvilluar takime këtë te mërkurë. Ne fjalën e rastit, Berisha ka sulmuar programin e PS per heqjen e TVSH per 5 produktet baze. Berisha ka vijuar me tej, duke theksuar se politikat e Rames nuk i shërbejnë qytetareve, por përfaqësuesve te biznesit te integruar ne forcën me te madhe opozitare. Berisha nga Elbasani, qark i cili ne 2009 i ndau mandatet 7 me 7 per PS dhe PD, ka premtuar se keto dite do te inauguroje dhe tunelin e shumediskutuar.
Street Gostime-Gjyrale-Belsh is the new segment, in which the work will begin, just 11 days before the elections of 23 June. The value of this segment of the 16 kilometer runs at about 430 million lek. In kicking off the work today and was Prime Minister Sali Berisha, who has chosen the district of Elbasan to the meetings this Wednesday. In his speech, Berisha has attacked the SP program to remove VAT for 5 basic products. Berisha attended further, stating that Rama policies do not serve the citizens, but representatives of the business integrated in the biggest opposition force. Berisha from Elbasan district in 2009 which mandates awarded 7 of 7 for SP and DP has promised that these days will inaugurate and outspoken tunnel.
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