Every AI content creator and their mom has put out a video on Bolt.new. It makes sense - Bolt.new is an incredible open source platform to build full stack apps with AI. So I've done something way different with it that you WON'T see anywhere else.
I forked Bolt.new and made it way better by fixing the two problems I have with the platform: it costs too much (and those annoying token limits) and you can only ever use one LLM.
In this video, I show you how I've extended Bolt.new so you can run it locally with practically ANY LLM you could dream of using. This includes local models with Ollama (some fine-tuned for coding!), so you can run your own model and use Bolt.new completely for FREE with unlimited usage.
This is available for you to download and use below right now! My gift to you :)
Let me be clear, Bolt.new is open source so running it locally isn't new - but being able to use more that just Claude is new with this fork and that is what allows you to use the platform for free, forever.
00:00 - Intro
01:42 - Quick Overview of Bolt.new
03:20 - Unveiling my Version of Bolt.new
04:11 - Showing all the LLMs Available
04:39 - Demoing the Bolt.new Fork
08:43 - Run this Yourself Right Now
10:35 - Extending to Use more LLMs
13:28 - How I Built This
17:38 - Extending to Use more LLM Providers
19:00 - Outro
Here is the link to my forked version of Bolt.new ready for you to run locally and use LLMs from Ollama, Anthropic, GPT, or Groq!
[ Ссылка ]
Install Ollama to run any local LLM you could dream of as an AI coding assistant for free:
[ Ссылка ]
Note that this setup assumes you have Ollama hosted on the default port on your computer ([ Ссылка ]).
If you want to extend the providers available in this version of Bolt.new, here is the documentation from the Vercel AI SDK I referenced in the video:
[ Ссылка ]
Link to the original Bolt.new repo:
[ Ссылка ]
Artificial Intelligence is no doubt the future of not just software development but the whole world. And I'm on a mission to master it - focusing first on mastering AI Agents.
Join me as I push the limits of what is possible with AI. I'll be uploading videos at least two times a week - Sundays and Wednesdays at 7:00 PM CDT! Sundays and Wednesdays are for everything AI, focusing on providing insane and practical educational value. I will also post sometimes on Fridays at 7:00 PM CDT - specifically for platform showcases - sometimes sponsored, always creative in approach!
I Forked Bolt.new and Made it WAY Better
aiartificial intelligenceai agentssoftware engineeringsoftware developmentcodingautomationsaasdevelopmentbolt.newboltbolt newbolt new forkai coderllm coding assistantai coding assistantlocal ai coding assistantlocal llmlocal aiollama codingollama coding assistantopen source forkai codingllm codingqwenllama 3.2llama 3.2 codingdeepseek-codercodellama