Sonam Kapoor is expecting to be a mother soon. She has been in Mumbai for some time now and recently was snapped by the paparazzi in the city as she stepped out with her husband Anand Ahuja. The Neerja actress looked heavily pregnant as she flaunted her baby bump in an all-black look. For her recent outing with her husband, Sonam wore a black one-piece dress and teamed it up with a black jacket. She completed her look with Prada loafers, sunglasses and a Chanel black square mini bag. Anand chose a casual look and wore a white printed T-shirt and black trousers with sneakers. Fans are loving how Anand could not take his eyes off Sonam as they stepped out in public together.
#MobileMasala #sonamkapoor #anandahuja #parents #Bollywood #Paparazzi
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