Title: Ways to Reduce Investment Risk! | Dow's Stock Talk
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Do you worry about losing your money? Here are some ways to reduce investment risk so you can sleep better at night while working to your investment goals. While it may seem like you have to be an advanced investor to lower risk, these practical ways to lower investment risk are simple to understand & do.
In this video, I will be going over some simple things you can do to reduce your investment risk.
*Rememeber This
Your individual investments can typically be summed up in two words: "risk" and "reward." The general rule of thumb is the greater the potential reward, the greater the risk. But that rule doesn't always hold true in reverse order -- greater risk doesn't necessarily translate into greater potential reward. Sometimes greater risk is just greater risk with little potential reward. Risk isn't a bad thing. But you need to understand what kind of risks you are willing to take with your investment dollars, and how to reduce unacceptable levels of risk.
I am not a financial advisor. The ideas presented in this video are for entertainment purposes only. You (and only you) are responsible for the financial decisions that you make.
Ways to Reduce Investment Risk! | Dow's Stock Talk
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