Ephrem Tamiru, a renowned Ethiopian singer, has garnered widespread acclaim for his extraordinary vocal prowess, captivating audiences throughout his illustrious career. Born in Bahir Dar in the Amhara region of Ethiopia, Ephrem's roots trace back to his parents, who hailed from Dejen, a town nestled in the northern part of the country within the present-day Amhara region. His father, employed by the Ethiopian post office, relocated to Bahir Dar with his wife, where Ephrem was subsequently born. Subsequently, their journey led them to various cities across Ethiopia. At the tender age of 14/15, Ephrem embarked on his musical journey at a school in Dejen. This marked the beginning of his collaboration with different bands across various regions of Ethiopia. Notably, his partnership with the esteemed artist Ayalew Mesfin played a pivotal role in shaping Ephrem's musical trajectory. Together, they traveled extensively across Ethiopia, showcasing their music in numerous cities, including Debre Markos. Eventually, Ephrem moved to Addis Ababa, where he commenced his musical career, performing with diverse clubs and bands. His inaugural album, titled "Gena Lej Gamme," paved the way for a prolific discography, comprising numerous albums and countless singles. Ephrem's musical contributions have made a lasting impact on the industry, with an estimated repertoire of over 100 recorded songs, each a testament to his extraordinary talent and versatility. Today, we invite you to revel in one of Ephrem Tamiru's greatest hits, "Demamaye/Kelelaye" a timeless testament to his musical genius and enduring appeal.
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