PART TWO: [ Ссылка ]
Mr. Kristofer and Amp are huge YouTubers with over 400K subscribers. They invited me over to Mr. Kristofer's place to sit down with them and get into it all. This was my time.
Their YouTube channel: [ Ссылка ]
Find Mr. Kristofer, here:
IG: @mrkristoferweston
Find Amp, here:
IG: @pupamp
► Instagram: [ Ссылка ]
► TikTok: [ Ссылка ]
► Facebook: [ Ссылка ]
► YouTube: [ Ссылка ]
► Twitter: [ Ссылка ]
Thank you for watching 'Our Queer Life' - my series that shines a light on the stories of people in our queer community that have walked a different walk of life than most of us. I have had the most amazing time meeting all of the different queer people on the show and I truly feel so lucky to have them in my life now.
If you’d like to support my channel, here is my PayPal: [ Ссылка ]
Venmo: @MattLCullen
ALWAYS looking for new stories, so if you are queer and have an interesting story/life event that you want to share, reach out to me! In the email, make sure to include where you are located, a paragraph or so about your story, and any social media links. Email me, here:
✔ E M A I L :
[ Ссылка ]