MEDIA FOUNT - That You May Know
A few seek the undiluted truth; many the tinted truth. The lands are dry; lives are thirsty. We cry for the fountain of revival; we long to see our lives, homes and lands flooded by the fountain of life. Oh that we may all quench our thirst from the fountain of grace and mercy!
The above is the founding burden behind Mediafount, a Christian based multimedia network, based in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Mediafount is driven by the scripture (Luke 1:1-4) to go through all orderly processes of sourcing, developing and disseminating media content for the revival and empowerment of the Christendom.
As media apostles, therefore, we are sent out to inform, educate and transform with the integrated media services from our subsidiaries.
To be a convincing multimedia platform for the Christendom and the public in general
Our Mission
We labour to see the Christendom refined on all fronts via the sourcing, developing and disseminating of trusted and edifying multimedia content.
To compile unbiased, thorough and truthful content such as reports, fictions, interviews, articles, opinions, features and documentaries.
To disseminate such reports, fictions, interviews, articles, opinions, features and documentaries to subscribers and to the general public.
To obtain payments for services provided to corporate subscribers and clients in the form of financial, content and link exchange or as otherwise agreed to.
To provide ancillary services such as editorial support services, publishing, printing, capacity development, studio recordings and network platforms for Christian multimedia ministers.
“There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn for Emmanuel’s veins; And sinners plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains.“ “The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day And there may I, thou vile as he, Wash all my sins away.“
Williams Cowper 1731-1800
“Shine, Jesus shine, Fill this land with the Father’s glory; Blaze, Spirit blaze, Set our hearts on fire; Flow, River flow, Flood the nations with grace and mercy; Send forth your Word And let there be light.“
Graham Kendrick
Mediafount Subsidiaries
Mediafount TV #1
Mediafount TV: Recording and broadcasting of video events and programmes.
Mediafount Posts #2
Mediafount Radio: #3
Mediafount Photos: #4
Mediafount Studios #5
Mediafount Studios: Set up for the recording and editing of audio-visuals.
Mediafount Consulting #6
Mediafount Publishing & Press #7
RoyalScribes Mission #8
Mediafount Academy #9
Mediafount Academy: The academy teaches the theory and practice of multimedia ministry - music, drama, writing, online and technical units. Training sessions are highly interactive and comprehensive, considering the spiritual, educational and professional aspects of a media person.
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