00:00:03 - Meeting starts
00:02:31 - Presiding Officer Address
00:06:20 - Toastmaster of the Meeting takes control of the meeting
00:11:31 - General Evaluator introduces the auxiliary role players
00:20:06 - Toastmaster of the Meeting Introduces the Prepared Speeches section
00:21:51 - Prepared Speech 1 | Sohan Rawat | Pareto Principle
00:33:42 - Prepared Speech 2 | Surbhi Mittal | Ice Breaker
00:44:37 - Topics Master starts Table Topics session
00:46:56 - Topic 1 | A Padamakumar | Take everything seriously that you like except yourself
00:49:45 - Topic 2 | Kuldeep Singh | Life has no limitations; except the ones we make
00:52:42 - Topic 3 | Kanika Dalmia | It’s not what you say so much, it’s what you mean when you say it
00:53:14 - Topic 4 | Arvind Nair | Love yourself first and everything else will fall into place
00:57:20 - Topic 5 | Deepika Sohal | Words are the most powerful drug used by humankind
00:59:52 - Topic 6 | Unique Katnoria | The secrete of getting ahead is getting started
01:02:23 - Topic 7 | Yashika Sikri | Success is a journey not a destination -?
01:05:58 - Toastmaster of the Meeting introduces the General Evaluator
01:06:33 - General Evaluation Section
01:07:07 - Evaluator 1 | Ragini
01:11:02 - Evaluator 2 | Nimit Mittal
01:15:43 - Table Topics Evaluation
01:20:13 - Grammerian Report
01:26:09 - Ah Counter Report
01:27:56 - Timer Report
01:31:09 - Meeting Report
01:35:15 - Toastmaster of the Meeting final thoughts
01:39:18 - Presiding Officer takes over
01:49:40 - Awards
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