Back Pain, Neck Pain, and Shoulder Pain has been the primary focus of the KKT Treatment. KKT has proven through rigorous research that these precisely defined Quantum Waves can prevent degeneration of the spine and restore the position of the spine. Hundreds of Thousands of patients have successfully relieved their back pain neck pain and shoulder pain all over the world. If you would like more information please visit
KKT has successfully treated many patients having pain from Scoliosis. Since our technology helps in restoring the curvature, which is the underlying problem of Scoliosis, our treatment can lead to immediate decrease in neck pain, shoulder pain and back pain. Even pain radiating to the arms. This is done by moving the Atlas bone and the rest of the vertebrae closer to its original position. Please contact us at if you are feeling back pain as a result of Scoliosis.
Back Pain Treatment by KKT - Ajman TV (Part 4)
herniated disksback painneck painosteoarthritisheadaches and sciaticaKKT treatmentDr.KhanPain TreatmentBack Pain TherapyBack Pain RemedyNeck Pain TherapyNeck Pain RemedyPain RadiatingSpine CenterBack Pain UAEBack Pain CanadaBack Pain PakistanBack Pain JordanBack Pain IndiaBack Pain ChinaBack Pain QatarDr. KhanKhanDr Aslam KhanChiropractorWhiplashOsteoarthritisSciaticaStenosis