The escalating conflict in Ukraine may soon reach a resolution, with Russia securing control over Crimea and establishing a new border similar to the North Korean DMZ. The media will likely frame this as a diplomatic win, with some attributing the return of Crimea to Trump's influence. However, internal strife within Ukraine, particularly Zelenskyy's actions against his rivals, could lead to his demise. This potential outcome reflects the complex realities of modern geopolitics and internal power struggles.
Zelenskyy is Probably a Dead Man
Zelensky downfallRussia CrimeaUkraine conflict resolutionNorth Korean DMZ comparisonsovereign territoryTrump diplomacymedia narrative on CrimeaUkraine internal strifeZelensky enemiesgeopolitical strategyRussian border plansCrimea takeovermodern warfare resolutionsUkraine power strugglespolitical downfallRussian influence in Ukraineglobal political outcomesZelensky assassinationmilitary strategy in UkraineEastern Europe conflict