Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao held a review meeting at Pragati Bhavan on the arrangements to be made for the World Telugu Conference to be held here next month. During the meeting, CM Rao said that the forthcoming World Telugu Conference should reflect the greatness of Telugu and its prominence in Telangana and showcase it to the entire world. The CM suggested that proper and adequate arrangements should be made for the delegates who include writers, language experts, representatives of the Telugu associations, poets and a host of others coming for the Conference not only from the country but also from all over the World. He added that several Telangana sons have done exemplary work in Telugu poetry, prose, Folk literature, Avadhanams, Samkeerthana and several other genres and thus enriched the Telugu language and literature. These great personalities should be remembered on the occasion. Their contribution to the language and literature should be known to the people. The Telugu language in Telangana had been surviving for ages, from hundreds of years and it is alive even among the illiterates in the form of Bathukamma songs and folk songs. The World Telugu Conference should become a dais to showcase the Telangana’s proud history and heritage.
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