"Lessons in Chemistry" is a highly-anticipated drama television series set to debut on Apple TV+ in 2023. The show is based on the novel by Bonnie Garmus and stars Brie Larson in the lead role of Elizabeth Zott, a scientist who finds herself pregnant and has to confront the mistakes of her past.
The official trailer for the show gives a glimpse into Elizabeth's journey as she navigates the male-dominated world of science in the 1960s. She is determined to prove herself as a brilliant scientist and secure a job at a top chemical company, but her plans are derailed when she becomes pregnant.
As Elizabeth grapples with the challenges of being a working mother, she is forced to confront her past mistakes and reckon with the consequences of her choices. The trailer teases a gripping story that explores themes of ambition, motherhood, and redemption, all set against the backdrop of a fascinating era in American history.
"Lessons in Chemistry" promises to be a compelling and thought-provoking series, and fans of Brie Larson and period dramas won't want to miss it.
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