Hilton (Cambs) Parish Council Meeting 4th October2021
The video of this meeting has been posted in its entirety and unedited.
21/22-109. To receive any apologies for absence and declarations of interest.
Comments and observations from members of the public and to receive reports from the County and District Councillors
21/22-110. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 6th September, the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 21st September, the Finance Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 21st September and the Planning Committee Meeting held on Thursday 23rd September.
21/22-111. Matters arising from the last meeting including Clerk’s report – information only. No discussion and no decisions can be made – Local Government Act 1972 s12 10(2) (b) states that business must be specified.
21/22-112. To review and ratify the decisions made under the scheme of delegation
21/22-113. Green Open Spaces Working Group
21/22-113.1 To receive the general report from the working group
21/22-113.2 To consider whether to continue to financially contribute to the maintenance
of the churchyard
21/22-113.3 To consider the Draft Maintenance Tender and decide upon the next steps
21/22-113.4 To consider the design for the A14 Legacy Project on The Ware and decide
upon the next steps
21/22-113.5 To approve the design and purchase of the bench near Wilderness Bridge using
the donation from Hilton Rural Conservation and Wildlife Group
21/22-113.6 To consider whether to cost works to improve the condition of the far bank of
the Ware
21/22-114. Finance Committee
21/22-114.1. To receive the financial reports
21/22-114.2. To discuss and decide whether to cancel the Zoom account
21/22-114.3 To discuss and decide whether to move the earmarked reserves for
playground sign (£54.82), 2020/21 tree work (£10), and Village Hall car park (£4.89) back to general reserves
21/22-114.4. To consider and approve the draft budget
21/22-114.5. To consider and approve the proposed precept of £31,550
21/22-115. To consider whether to continue to pay for the diffusion tubes to monitor nitrogen dioxide
21/22-116. To discuss and decide upon any actions with regards to the bus shelter roof
21/22-117. To consider whether to set up an arrangement where parishioners can speak informally to Councillors immediately prior to a Council meeting
21/22-118. To consider a response to the Cambridgeshire Street Lighting Satisfaction Survey
21/22-119. To consider the request to display posters and banners for the Fostering Service
21/22-120. Payments received: £15,300 Precept half
21/22-121. Approve payments
Minute Ref Payee Description Amount Method Legislation
21/22- 121.1 JSC Services Maintenance Contract - Sep £660.00 S/O Open Spaces Act 1906 s10 - Power to maintain open spaces
21/22-121.2 Ecotricity Electricity Supply - Sep £12.56 DD General Power of Competence
21/22-121.3 Nicola Webster Salary - Sep + WfH Allowance £873.08 S/O General Power of Competence
21/22- 121.4 Opus Street Lighting Energy - Sep £111.36 DD Parish Councils Act 1957 – s3 – Power to light roads and public places
21/22- 121.5 Zoom Pro Account - Sep £14.39 Equals Card
General Power of Competence
21/22- 121.6 JSC Services Cricket pitch - 1, 23,
29/08 £135.00 BACS Open Spaces Act 1906 s10 - Power to maintain open spaces
21/22-121.7 Microsoft Office Package - Sep £11.28 BACS General Power of Competence
21/22-121.8 Dynamic Fireworks Fireworks £1,779.20 Equals Card General Power of Competence
21/22- 121.9 CAS Ltd Insurance for Bonfire Night £140.00 BACS General Power of Competence
21/22- 121.10 Royal British Legion Donation £60.00 CHQ General Power of Competence
21/22- 121.11 Community Garden Donation £95.00 BACS General Power of Competence
Hilton WI Donation £70.00 BACS General Power of Competence
21/22-121.13 Spectrum Donation £200.00 BACS General Power of Competence
21/22-121.14 CAPALC Annual Conference £75.00 BACS General Power of Competence
21/22-121.15 Hilton Village Hall Venue Hire - 20/07/21-7/3/22 £210.00 BACS General Power of Competence
21/22-121.16 Hilton PCC Streetlighting in the Churchyard £162.40 BACS Parish Councils Act 1957 – s3 – Power to light roads and public places
21/22-122. To consider a response to the OxCam Arc Spatial Framework Survey
21/22-123. Councillors’ items – information only. No discussion and no decisions can be made – Local Government Act 1972 s12 10(2) (b) states that business must be specified.
Nicola Webster, 10 Church End, Hilton, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE28 9NJ
Email: clerk@hiltonparishcouncil.com
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