In this shocking video, we witness the arrest of Ujku i Cerrikut by the police. Ujku i Cerrikut, a well-known figure in the community, finds himself in a predicament as the authorities take him into custody. The reasons behind his arrest remain unknown, leaving viewers speculating about what could have led to this dramatic event. Join us as we delve into the details and try to unravel the mystery surrounding Ujku i Cerrikut's arrest.
Ujku i Cerrikut arrestohet nga policia
ujku i cerrikutlek plepi vs ujku cerrikut (pjujku cerikutujku cerikrikthehet ujku i cerrikutujku i cerrikut (saimir rexhepi)ujku i shijakutujku i fierit (albert vranaj)ujqerit‘nga ke humbur?’ ujku i ben sfide arlind piktorit! (26 maj 2017)kujdesshqiperishqiperiaukju i fieritsali berishasherrberatpjetergeraldgaridhashkoderte vjeterarian caniperballjeevroprinci