You can easily get infinite restoration times 2 with karnstein armlets. Melee kills give you restoration times 1, finishers give you restoration times 2. This only lasts 8 seconds but you can easily extend this timer indefinitely up to 15 seconds with ember of empyrean and a good ad clearing solar weapon like sunshot. Get 1 finisher, kill things with sunshot to extend the timer back to 15 seconds, and never die because you have unlimited healing.
#Marshix #Destiny2 #Solo
This Combo gives Unlimited Restoration
this combo gives unlimited restorationthis combo gives infinite restorationfast healing destiny 2restoration build destiny 2destiny 2 infinite restorationkarnstein armlets buildkarnstein armletsdestiny 2 karnsteinsunshot buildsunshotdestiny 2 sunshotsunshot + karnstein armletskarnstein armlets combosunshot combo