This mini-doc is for educational/informative purposes only. Don't try this at home.
For context, Molly is my Vietnamese giant centipede. I feed her roughly 1-2 times a month (depending on the size of the previous prey item). She can eat anything from pinky mice to small rats. I feed my pets live prey because they struggle to eat if their food isn't alive and moving.
In this video, I show you the difference between a fuzzy mouse and a hopper mouse. Also, you will get to see how Molly can quickly incapacitate her meal with minimal suffering for the prey item.
Exotic pet ownership can be a raw and brutal watch, but it's natural and shouldn't be confused with animal abuse.
Thank you.
***Community guidelines consideration***
As I review YouTube's community guidelines surrounding the topic of “animal abuse content,” I don’t see how this channel violates any of the six rules that are listed within the guidelines.
Below, I’ll detail how each of the six rules aren't violated in any of my uploads on this channel:
1. Content where humans coerce animals to fight.
I don't coerce any animal into fighting. The prey items don't fight, as they are quickly subdued, in most cases, by the exotic pet and are fully consumed as sustenance. The intention is ALWAYS to feed my pets - not create content that shocks and disgusts.
2. Content where a human maliciously mistreats an animal and causes them to experience distress outside of traditional or standard practices. Examples of traditional or standard practices include hunting or food preparation.
Although the prey items experience distress, the feedings fall under standard practices (as it pertains to exotic pet ownership). My pets don’t respond well to food that doesn’t move because their predatory responses aren’t properly triggered. Also, the prey items used in my videos are bred ONLY for consumption (purchased at exotic pet shops, not from fancy pet retailers). Lastly, the exotic pets in my videos are HUNTING, which again, falls under what YouTube deems as a traditional or standard practice.
3. Content where a human unnecessarily puts an animal in poor conditions outside of traditional or standard practices. Examples of traditional or standard practices include hunting or food preparation.
Again, the prey items were put in the conditions for which they were bred. Feeding my exotic pets live food that was ONLY bred for consumption is a standard and traditional practice within the exotic pet ownership community. Also, the exotic pets in my videos are HUNTING, which falls under what YouTube deems as a traditional or standard practice.
4. Content that glorifies or promotes serious neglect, mistreatment, or harm toward animals.
Any “glorification” that occurs is not due to the harm being inflicted upon the prey items. Rather, the color commentary is with respect to the predatory prowess of the exotic pets. I understand that the commentary can be misinterpreted, so I’ve tried to edit out what could be considered offensive (I won’t always get this right, but I’m sensitive to it). Also, I’ve tried to provide context in the descriptions of each video to better convey that sentiment.
5. Content that shows animal rescue that is staged and puts the animal in harmful scenarios.
My videos don’t depict any staged animal rescues.
6. Content that features animals and intends to shock or disgust.
Yes, my videos feature animals, but the videos aren’t intended to shock or disgust. The videos are intended to entertain and educate. I’ve tried to provide context in the descriptions of each video to better convey that sentiment.
***From here on is for creator purposes only, but thanks for getting this far*** 😉
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Fuzzy Wuzzy - Centipede Live Feeding
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