In Taiko Wii 3 the player has access to 7 minigames in dream taiko land from the main menu, these most involve button pressing and rhythm sense in order to master and play them. Also some songs are locked to this mode and must be gotten with the medals of the minigame, Pirate Don-chan & Friends - The Search of the treasure (海賊どんちゃんと秘密の財宝) will be your main friend for grinding medals here.
Timestamps are down below:
Wani Wani Panic! (ワニワニパニック)
Wonderland Pumpkin Derby (おとぎ国のパンプキンダービー)
Battle of the Bees (みつばち大作戦) You might remember this from Switch Version. Fun fact it made it's debut here.
Haunted House (ホーンテッドハウス) This mode kinda plays like a regular taiko story mode boss battle and is quite fun.
Songs used: Shunyuu ~happy excursion~ (春遊 ~happy excursion~) If you win or survive the entire song.
The Entertainer (エンターテイナー) If you lose the minigame by losing all the flames on the candles
Cake Tower Climb to Heaven (天までとどけケーキタワー)
Also returns to Switch Version.
Alien Attack! (エイリアンアタック)
4 Player minigame where you shoot at aliens and try to take em down!
Pirate Don-chan & Friends - The Search of the treasure (海賊どんちゃんと秘密の財宝)
Songs Used: Sanpo (If you win by playing well, by obtaining at least one treasure chest at the end of the song)
Mint Tears (What happens if you lose the Minigame if your fail to obtain a single treasure box. all players will receive less medals then.)
All songs locked behind this mode:
-Get 1000 medals in Taiko Land
Popcorn Parade (ポップコーン★パレード) Theme song of the Game.
-Get 2000 medals in Taiko Land
Ikasama Pirates (イカサマパイレーツ)
-Play the Pirate Don-chan minigame 10 times
Theremin Rhapsody No.42 'Pathetique' (テルミン狂想曲 第42楽章「悲愴」)
-Play the Haunted House minigame 10 times
-Get 2000 medals in Taiko Land
Difficulty Oni on non-song based minigames
-Play the respective minigame 5 times
Free song selection on Pirate Don-chan / Haunted House
-Play the respective minigame 5 times
Have fun in this mode!
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