In this video, I'm reacting to the inevitable downfall of Mee6. This video is for entertainment purposes only and is not supposed to be taken seriously.
As Mee6 prepares to go bankrupt, I'm reflecting on the platform and discussing some of the key points. I hope you enjoy this video and don't take it too seriously!
credit to no text to speech
make sure to join the discord server
Reacting To The Inevitable Downfall of Mee6
reactreactionreact channeladults reactreaction videomee6mee6 discord botmee6 bot discorddiscord mee6discorddiscord serverdiscord memesdiscord modnotexttospeechno text to speechno text to speech discordnerdnerd & jocknerd & jock comicnerd and tigerdyingdying gives op itemsdynodyno testdyno faildyno runco ownerreal estate investingbotdiscord botsbest discord botstop discord botsdiscord bottry not tochallengewarts