This is a solution for Adafruit OLED display (SSD1306) not working when connected to Nodemcu/ Arduino/ ESP8266 via I2C.
Have you tried connecting your Arduino/ESP8266/Nodemcu/Wemos or any other device to I2C protocol OLED display and installing the example code available in Adafruit SS1306 library only to realise that the screen remain blank and doesn't show example graphics that are visible on other youtube tutorials?
I experienced the same thing and after struggling to find an answer for couple of hours, this is the solution I have come up with. It worked for me and hopefully this short tutorial will solve your problem as well.
Link for Identifying I2C Address : [ Ссылка ]
[SOLUTION] OLED Display NOT Working I2C (Nodemcu/Arduino)
I2c displays .96 inchArduino i2c oledI2c oledTutorial on i2c oled display with arduino/nodemcuNodemcuOled display nodemcuEsp8266nodemcu Oled displayoled display not working nodemcudead oled0.96 oled arduinoarduino tutorial: oled 0.96ssd1306arduino tutorial graphics for displays ssd1306i2c displayi2c displays 0.96 inchadafruit ssd1306adafruit library128x64 i2c oledarduino ssd1306128x32 oledi²coled not workingnodemcu oled