This is a recorded keynote session from the Crossing Fonds Symposium and has been edited according to the permissions granted by the original presenters. The presenters below have agreed to recording and are featured in the video.
Dr. Michelle Caswell (UCLA), "Cultures of Care, Baking Feminist Care Ethics into Digital Archives: Lessons from SAADA and TAVP"
Moderator: Sara Diamond (OCAD U/SFU)
ABSTRACT: The talk will frame the emerging discipline of critical archival studies and its core principles, defining an ethics of care and suggesting principles, policies and practices that can bring this foundation to archives, whether institutional, public or community based. Based on interviews and focus groups with contributors to two digital community archives (The South Asian American Digital Archive and the Texas After Violence Project), this presentation will address how minoritized identity‐based community archives design digital projects that model a feminist ethics of care across space and time. Caswell will explore the temporal, representational, and material aspects of liberatory memory work, arguing that archival disruptions in time and space should be neither about the past nor the future, but about the liberatory affects and effects of memory work in the present. She will consider what these ideas mean in terms of archival interfaces and finding aids.
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