How to Install Cpanel WHM and Configuration for Beginners?
This video demonstrates How to install WHM/Cpanel on server. You can update following server configuration using this interface, contact information, nameservers, server time, tweak settings, hostname setup, hostname SSL setup, softaculous setup and other server-wide settings.
0:00 Introduction
1:34 Cpanel/WHM Installation
7:40 Initial Quote Setup
9:08 Server Time Update
9:32 Tweak Settings
10:06 WHM/Cpanel Update
11:03 Hostname Setup
11:51 Install SSL for Hostname
13:29 INstall Let's Encrypt Plugin
14:58 Installing PHP Extensions
16:08 Enable IonCube Loader
17:20 Install Softaculous
How to Install Cpanel WHM and Configuration
CpanelWHMcontrol panelweb hosting managercpanel configurationwhm configurationbeginner cpanel configurationadvanced cpanel configurationadvanced whm configurationinitial quote setupserver time setupnameserver setupdomain resolversshputtycommandtweak settingscpanel updateserver updatewhm updateUpdate Preferenceshostnamechange hostnamehostname sslsoftaculouslet's encrypt